

やはり90年前の日中戦争時代に確実に時計が戻っている。 日本は再び戦争を始めようとしてるが違いは米国の 代理戦争。。 米国からの廃棄兵器を買わざるを得ない情けなさも にじみ出る・・。 日本の自公(民維)政権は戦争ごっこをしたいのか? After all, the clock has definitely turned back to the days of the Sino-Japanese War 90 years ago. Japan is about to start another war, but the difference is that it is a proxy war with the United States. . Her pathetic feelings for having to buy discarded weapons from the United States are evident... Does Japan's LDP (Democratic Liberal Democratic Party) government want to play war?

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